Rede global de investigadores dedicados à música independente e outras manifestações artísticas.

Instituto de Sociologia (IS-UP); Centre for Social Studies – University of Coimbra (CES-UC, Portugal); Centre for Socioeconomic Change and Territorial Studies (DINÂMIA’CET-IUL, Portugal); Centre of Studies on Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT, Portugal); College of Arts and Social Sciences - Australian National University (CASS-ANU, Australia); Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research of the Griffith University (GCSCR-GU, Australia); Rectory of the University of Porto (Portugal); Research Group Philosophy and Public Space - University of Porto (IF-UP, Portugal); Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT, Australia); Transdisciplinary Research Centre Culture, Space and Memory (CITCEM, Portugal).