PhD project: “Supernatural mediation versus medication action: practices and perceptions of healing in Portuguese religious contexts”
Reference: 2022.13279.BD
Scientific area: Sociology of Religion
Supervision: Helena Vilaça (IS-UP); Co-supervisor: Alfredo Teixeira (UCP); Co-supervisor: Manuela Felício (ARS-Norte; DGSaúde)
Timeline: April 2023-March 2026
Abstract: This project will focus in particular on the search for healing in less institutionalised forms and that which common sense associates with popular religiosity and which is incompatible with scientific medicine. The aim is to study individual perceptions of healing in religious contexts, in the field of charismatic Christianity (Catholic and Evangelical). Using an intensive research methodology, through observations and interviews in the Portuguese society, this study reflects on the search for and the meanings given by individuals to healing or spiritual liberation experiences. This phenomenon manifests itself in institutionalised and socially legitimised practices, such as prayer or vows, and in other more invisible, less legitimised but very widespread practices (e.g. exorcism). These universes are all the more fascinating as they involve middle-class and highly educated people who fall outside traditional narratives.
End-beneficiaries/target population: Christian religious communities; health professionals.