Although the history of the Institute of Sociology is closely tied with the ongoing scientific activity carried out by its researchers, some events have strategically marked its development over time. We have outlined some of the most relevant milestones of the Institute’s history.
To learn more, you can click on each of the milestones!
Foundation of the Institute of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts – University of Porto

The Institute of Sociology of the University of (IS-UP) – called Institute of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (ISFLUP) at the time –, was founded in 1989 on the initiative of Professor António Teixeira Fernandes.
Since its earliest days, the IS-UP has remained linked to the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, and committed to enhancing and articulating relatively autonomous lines of research.
“At the time, it was a question of responding to the challenges of a recent degree course (created in 1985 by Professor António Teixeira Fernandes), in particular with regard to the research context in which the teachers of this recent course were engaged, allowing, on the one hand, collective work in a “laboratory” and, on the other, the allocation of resources necessary to meet the requirements of empirical research. With regard to the former – collective laboratory work – the aim was to overcome isolated drifts that often foster a kind of economy of intersubjective discussion and criticism. As regards the latter – allocation of resources – it permeated the Faculty of Arts, organised in a traditional fashion, in the field of research across Institutes, but little inclined to accommodate the specificities of field work in Sociology. Thus a space for criticism, collective work, scientific dissemination, but also for the affirmation of a principle of autonomy was established. Anticipating the conditions for an autonomous practice is perhaps one of the best antidotes for the imposition of heteronomy. As sociologists, we cannot detach our practical knowledge from the reflexive add-ons that the craft provides and demands.”
João Teixeira Lopes, “A investigação sociológica no Porto: origens e encruzilhadas para o futuro”, Sociologia – Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, vol. VI, 2006, pp. 15-24.
Creation of A Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (Sociology: Journal of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto)
The Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP) is responsible for creating A Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto in 1991. This journal has always been linked to the scientific activity of the Institute of Sociology.
“[The journal Sociologia] keeps abreast of the performance of the university course and the activity carried out by the Institute of Sociology. First and foremost, it aims at disclosing the work carried out therein. As an undeniable promoter of the inflow and outflow of research, it has no intention of shutting its doors to others, being open to other research results provided they are compatible with its scope.”
António Teixeira Fernandes, “Apresentação”, Sociologia – Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, vol. I, 1991, pp. 7-8.
The Institute of Sociology is part of the network of research units of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
The Institute of Sociology is part of the network of research units of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), as Unit no. 727 of the National Scientific System.
The unit is now structured into four lines of research:
- Inequalities, Culture, and Territory
- Family and Gender
- Work, Employment, Professions, and Organisations
- Globalisation, Social Values, and Public Policies
João Teixeira Lopes headed the coordination of the IS-UP until February 2010. The Executive Committee was then formed by Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues and Sofia Cruz.
FCT awards the Institute of Sociology a score of “Good”
FCT awards the Institute of Sociology a score of “Good” as a result of the 2007 R&D Unit Assessment process.
Virgílio Borges Pereira took on the coordination of the Institute of Sociology
Virgílio Borges Pereira took on the coordination of the Institute of Sociology in March 2010 and remained in office until April 2015. The Executive Committee also comprised José Madureira Pinto and João Queirós.
Launch of the second series of Working Papers and of the Social Barometer PlatformSocial

Launch of the second series of Working Papers and of the Social Barometer Platform, a fully online publication organised by the IS-UP.
The Institute of Sociology is part of the University of Porto foundation and is redefined into two research groups

The Institute of Sociology is part of the University of Porto – a public foundation governed by private law – and is renamed Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto.
The IS-UP structure is redefined into two research groups: Social Recompositions, Culture and Territories, and Work, Family and Social Policies. Each of these groups addresses research challenges in specific areas:
- Social Recompositions, Culture and Territory is based on the issues of Social Recompositions and Territories and Artistic Creation, Cultural Policies and Practices;
- Work, Family and Social Policies involve the fields of Work, Employment, Professions and Organisations and Family, Ageing and Gender.
FCT awards the IS-UP a score of “Very Good”. Ester Gomes da Silva took charge of the coordination of the Institute of Sociology
FCT awards the IS-UP a score of “Very Good” as a result of the 2013 R&D Unit Assessment process.
Ester Gomes da Silva took charge of the coordination of the Institute of Sociology between May 2015 and August 2016. The team also comprised Bruno Monteiro and Idalina Machado.
Launch of the third series of Working Papers.
Alexandra Lopes took on the coordination of the Institute of Sociology
Alexandra Lopes took on the coordination of the IS-UP between September 2016 and March 2020. The team also comprised Hernâni Veloso Neto and Lígia Ferro.
FCT awards the IS-UP a score of “Very Good” (second time)
FCT awards the IS-UP a score of “Very Good” as a result of the 2017 R&D Unit Assessment process.
João Teixeira Lopes took on the coordination of the Institute of Sociology
João Teixeira Lopes took on the coordination of the IS-UP in April 2020 for the second time. The team also comprised Idalina Machado and Lígia Ferro.
Launch of the fourth series of Working Papers and of the special edition Cadernos da Pandemia (A collection of essays on the pandemic).
Launch of the new journal Cadernos IS-UP

Cadernos IS-UP publishes original papers about specific themes with a knowledge transfer character. Aiming to work on the value of science and its impacts on society, Cadernos IS-UP seek to build bridges between the university and the society, science and practice, research and social intervention.
Integração da revista "Sociologia - Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto" nas edições do IS-UP.

Em dezembro de 2023, a Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto passou integrar a linha editorial do Instituto de Sociologia, mantendo a colaboração com o Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.