The Social Observatory of Vila Nova de Gaia was created in 2019 and results from a collaboration with the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto. The Social Observatory aims at deepening, in a scientifically autonomous and independent way, the knowledge about the demographic, economic and socio-cultural fabric of the municipality, in order to inform municipal intervention and public policies.
The work developed by the Social Observatory includes:
i) analysing the available information systems in an integrated manner, i.e., cross-referencing information;
ii) where possible, updating the existing data systems;
iii) collecting and processing sector-specific information using mixed methodologies (quantitative and qualitative);
iv) regularly producing newsletters containing part of the sectorial information collected and processed, with a view to its broad dissemination throughout the municipality;
v) producing internal reports whose objective is to inform the actions of the decision-makers;
vi) disseminating the knowledge produced to the scientific community.
You can contact the Social Observatory of Vila Nova de Gaia through the following e-mail address: observatoriosocialgaia@gmail.com
Team: João Teixeira Lopes (coord.), Tânia Leão, Joana Ribeiro Santos.

Gaiurb - Urbanismo e Habitação, EM; Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto - Instituto de Sociologia.