PhD project: Portuguese digital influencers: profiles, contexts and social influence
Reference: 2023.04706.BD
Scientific area: Sociologia
Supervisor: João Teixeira Lopes (FLUP, IS-UP); Co-supervisor: Gustavo Leitão Cardoso (ISCTE, CIES)
Timeline: September 2023-September 2026
Abstract: As new protagonists of the digital universe, Digital Influencers not only engage their audiences in advertising and commercial endeavors, but also shape their opinions, beliefs and attitudes in different areas of social life.
Aside from their increasing professionalization, studies have highlighted their ability to influence at different levels. An innovative Portuguese research, this study explores the sociodemographic and professional profiles of Portuguese digital influencers and identifies their influence processes, particularly in terms of ideology, identity, and lifestyle. Through a dialogue between sociology and communication, an exploratory content analysis of Instagram posts, questionnaire surveys, and interviews with Portuguese digital influencers working on this platform will be used.