On March 20 and 21, Professor Frédéric Martel – a French sociologist, writer, essayist, journalist and political scientist – will be present at FLUP for two conferences, entitled "Comment le soft power, l'influence, les guerres hybrides sont en train de changer la culture" and "La culture mainstream et comment le monde n'est plus plat". Both sessions take place in Meeting Room 1 at 5 p.m. and will be delivered in French (with presentation in English).
Frédéric Martel is the author of a dozen books, translated into several languages, such as De la culture en Amérique (Gallimard, 2006), Mainstream (Flammarion, 2010) or Smart, Enquête sur les Internets (Stock, 2014). He is the host of a radio programme on France Culture dedicated to the creative industries, the media and the internet.
The event is organized by APEF - Portuguese Association of French Studies and the Institut Français, in collaboration with IS-UP.