As a research and development centre dedicated to the promotion of sociological knowledge, the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto gathers a body of highly qualified experts with an extensive experience in research.
To implement the strategic programme foreseen for the period 2020-2023, the Institute of Sociology is organised into two Research Groups, dedicated to studying the issues of Social Recompositions, Culture and Territory and Work, Family and Social Policies, which cover specific research challenges. The structure of activities of the Group Social Recompositions, Culture and Territory is based on the issues of Social Recompositions and Territories and Artistic Creation, Cultural Policies and Practices; moreover, the activities of the research Group Work, Family and Social Policies involve the fields of Work, Employment, Professions and Organisations and Family, Ageing and Gender. Earmarked with an intensive work programme, in terms of both projects and implementation indicators, the activities of the Research Groups of the Institute of Sociology are developed within the framework of very active national and international research networks.
With an extensive accumulated experience in scientific research on sociology, with a strong component for the development of multidisciplinary research, the activity of the Research Groups of the Institute of Sociology is geared to building leading sociological knowledge on the social reality, investing in the production of research on meaningful local and regional social processes. Since it promotes the acquisition of scientific knowledge from sociology's different theoretical traditions, the Unit supports research based on differentiated methodological approaches, from the more quantitative to the more qualitative ones, the latter including ethnography and socio-historic studies.
Since it significantly contributes to provide knowledge on national and regional realities, the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto also plays a decisive role as a scientific infrastructure, providing access to sociological information on its Internet website and the website of the Open Repository of the University of Porto. In addition to these activities, the Institute of Sociology actively promotes national and international scientific debates on the discipline and the dissemination of leading sociological works done in the Unit - by supporting, among others, the edition of a collection of monographs, the organization of special collections, such as Cadernos da Pandemia, the edition of a series of working papers, and the dinamization of other scientific publications.
In conjunction with the objectives relating to the promotion of innovative knowledge on sociology, the mission of the Institute of Sociology is also crucial in terms of advanced scientific training, coordinating its activities with the works of the Department of Sociology of FLUP, in particular with its Doctoral Course in Sociology, whose students are hosted by the Institute of Sociology.
Embracing the challenge of Open Science and Knowledge Transfer, IS-UP strategic objective for 2020-2023 period is to scale up and consolidate the capacity of IS-UP to put its sociological know-how at the service of communities, their well-being, and quality of life, with a specific focus on the North region of Portugal, and more so on the territories inside and bordering the Metropolitan Area of Porto.
IS-UP has already shown, on numerous occasions, the input it can bring to a wide array of players in civil society, public institutions, and the corporate world. The challenge ahead is to turn this into a core area of investment in the unit, which will involve building a renovated model of research management and communication, with appropriate infrastructures and qualified human resources. The ambition is to consolidate IS-UP as a relevant partner in the production of scientific knowledge that can inform decision-making processes and contributes to the socio-economic development of the region.
Specific objectives:
O1: Extend scientific sociological knowledge to new audiences.
O2: Put IS-UP as a key partner to be heard in defining the political agenda on topics where researchers are recognized experts.
O3: Expand the research team.
O4: Increase and expand a collaborative environment among researchers.
O5: Increase the participation of researchers in the international scientific system.
O6: Increase the dissemination of research results in the scientific community.
O7: Implement our own standard ethical verification and clearance procedures.
Alignment of the scientific activities to the SDGs: