The Institute of Sociology is the host institution for PhD projects with grants financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), as part of several national and international PhD programmes in Sociology and/or other Social Sciences, one of which is the PhD Programme in Sociology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP).
IS-UP offers a multidisciplinary environment for students to pursue their intellectual interests in different arenas. Through IS-UP and its host institution, FLUP, research students have access to an extensive collection of resources, including on-site and off-site library collections, that guarantee access to all relevant journals in the broad spectrum of the Social Sciences, as well as to data archives from national and international sources. In view of securing all researchers have appropriate working conditions, IS-UP makes available a dedicated research room for PhD students with individual working stations, together with some complementary facilities. IS-UP takes pride in providing all its researchers with a research environment where intellectual freedom and sociological innovation are core principles. Through coursework, workshops, research assistantships and teaching assistantships, students work closely with faculty members to develop research skills and experience in the substantive areas of sociology.

The PhD Club IS-UP is a group of PhD in Sociology students at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto focused on the promotion of scientific activities. Its members are FCT PhD Scholars (researchers at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto - IS-UP) and other PhD students enrolled in the 3rd Cycle in Sociology at FLUP.
The PhD Club IS-UP develops its activities in articulation with the directive powers of the PhD in Sociology and IS-UP.
Main objectives:
To consolidate a collaborative culture among doctoral students, between them and other IS-UP researchers, as well as among other researchers, teachers and invited lecturers from external institutions and other professional areas
To develop activities (e.g. seminars, workshops) aimed at diversifying and complementing the doctoral students' scientific and training experiences concerning theoretical, methodological and epistemological dimensions.
To strengthen sociological approaches in the interconnection with other sciences/fields, in a transdisciplinary way.
To develop skills in the organisation and promote scientific meetings, in a team synergy work environment.